Poetry is all around, if you’re looking with the right kind of lens. Newspapers, billboards, anatomy textbooks, receipts, crumpled up grocery lists in the bottom of a shopping cart… these are all sources rife with poetic potential. Look around the room you’re sitting in. There may be a poem hidden somewhere close by. Is there a poem in your sock drawer? Is a poem lost in your recycling bin? Check your pockets, there may be poem stuffed in your wallet. When you’re outside, keep your eyes peeled. A poem may spring up behind on your bus ride to work. You may stoop over and a find a poem in a discarded pack of cigarettes. Maybe your bank teller will recite a poem to by heart…
We’re also hoping for you to uncover some concrete/visual poems. Take your camera with you, snap a photo of one. Photocopy one. Tear one out of a free movie magazine. Send us your butcher’s business card…
check out our SUBMISSIONS page for all the details. Looking forward to what you find!